Monday, August 30, 2010

Can You Really See The Real Me?! ;D

CAN YOU REALLY SEE THE REAL ME : official theme of Acquiantance Party 2010 of INFORMATICS CALOOCAN

        A night to remember, a night of chance of getting to know and be acquianted with fellow students, and a night full of joy laughter and prices. surely the  acquiantance party of informatics caloocan was a big hit with its "Masquerade Ball" theme. Alot of students dress up just like an arisctocrats of europe, hiding their face with their self-made, gorgeous masks.

       As one of the officers and member of IT club it gives us satisfaction as we saw each students having fun and enjoying the night. Not to mention the plate service dinner with a buffet style which ever students have the privelege to go back and get some foods again. Well on my part i was able to go back twice because i really love italian foods. A small program was held that night prepared by IMAC club (Informatics Music and Arts Club). They dances and sings their heart out just to give every students an entertainment that they want.

       The IT club officers and advicer Mr. Richard Guadana prepared some hand made prices such as printed shirt and tumblers with the official informatics acquaiantance party 2010 logo. I actually won one of the tumblers. And there were also hand made souvenirs made by us, a mask like keychain that were distributed to the attendees.

      As the night gets deep. They also start to open the dance floor outside the  function hall which for me is a romantic place. to think that you were actually on the 34th floor of the building. and an overlooking bay.

      Around 12 midnight the program and party has officially ended. Kudos to the officers and all the part of activity , and Kudos to the students who participated in a once year activity of Informatics Caloocan.

with my classmates.. CHEERS!!

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